praying is so personal. every relationship between two people is a little different – the interactions, the communication that goes on – and the same goes for our relationship with God. my relationship with him is not going to be the same as yours or his or hers…it is completely between him and me. but the Lord wants us to always be feeding and growing our relationship with him, and prayer is one of the most instrumental pieces to this.
some prayers are beautiful and reverent and inspiring, but it’s okay that not all prayers are like that. i know we’ve all been in that desperate state of mind at some point in our life, begging and pleading desperately with God to help us out of a rough time. the Lord wants us to keep the communication line open between us and him – to talk to him about our daily life as we would talk to our parents and best friends. to not just seek him out when we’re in a difficult time, but to be in constant dialogue with him even when things are wonderful, or when life is just…going.
i pray often, but admittedly it often tends to be in difficult times as i mentioned above, or more often when i’m feeling very thankful for something [luckily the latter happens much more frequently than the former!]. i really am someone who counts my blessings often, but at the same time, i realize that there should be more to prayer than just asking God for things and then thanking him.
my mom recently showed me this really cool step-by-step prayer process by dynamic catholic, and i just thought it was such a great tool to use when saying your daily prayers. it’s not that you have to use a “template” to pray – you absolutely do not, but i think these elements listed in the prayer process are very inspiring, and they help remind me of things i probably want to be talking to God about. here are the steps:
1. gratitude: begin by thanking God in a personal dialogue for whatever you are most grateful for today.
2. awareness: revisit the times in the past 24 hours when you were and were not “the best version of yourself.” talk to God about these situations and what you learned from them.
3. significant moments: identify something you experienced in the last 24 hours and explore what God might be trying to say to you through that event [or person].
4. peace: ask God to forgive you for any wrong you have committed [against yourself, another person, or him] and to fill you with a deep and abiding peace.
5. freedom: speak with God about how he is inviting you to change your life, so that you can experience the freedom to be “the best version of yourself.”
6. others: lift up to God anyone you feel called to pray for today, asking God to bless and guide them.
7. pray the Our Father.
what a wonderful way to “cover the bases” as you communicate with the Lord. i’ve started using this method in my life, and it really does make you reflect on your day and think about ways you can be a better person.
anyway, just wanted to share [it seemed like good sunday goodness material!], and i hope you have have a great week! xoxo