the third buenos aires cafe that i wanted to share is one that we went to multiple times and was conveniently located on the same block as our loft, santos sabores.
i loved the turquoise and teal, the long family-style table with a fresh flower centerpiece when you first walked in the door, the counters on the side displaying colorfully-labeled jars of jams and jellies and other goodies. i loved the baskets of fruit, the large white-framed chalkboard that was so artfully decorated, and the little potted plants at each table.
i loved the lady who worked there that we saw every day. she was kind and smiley, and she brought us lagniappe, “a bit of something extra,” as they would say in new orleans, every time we went there. one day it was four little wedges of a berry fruit tart, another day it was fresh-squeezed orange juice. she showed mom and me the best places to buy boots, and she even chased us down a couple blocks one day because mom had left her umbrella at the cafe.
and the breakfasts we ate there were perfection. they had the best lychee white tea, and i wish i had taken a picture of these awesome croissants we had with ham and melted cheese inside. the croissants were small and had a sweet glaze on the outside, which isn’t typical for an american croissant sandwich with ham and cheese, but it made them so good. and then there was a basket of the most tasty little scones, served with raspberry jam and creme fraiche.
like i said, perfection.
when i think of buenos aires, i think santos sabores will always be one of the first places that comes to mind, just because of how it felt so familiar it became, a happy little breakfast routine.