of all weekends with no real plans [a difficult thing to come by, but always a sign that it’s going to be a good one], this past weekend was the greatest.
i will have you know that the jet lag hit me a week and half after i got back from germany.
so, the tuesday that i flew in and had to go to culinary school from 7-10 pm [2-5 am hamburg time], i was fine, despite the fact that i’d been up for 24 hours [minus some plane napping]. and i was fine the rest of the week. on the contrary, when i came home from work last thursday night, i went to sleep at 9 pm, and then beat that on friday night, when i crashed at 8 pm because i couldn’t keep my eyes open. i know, i’m so cool. such exciting friday nights. by this point, i was beginning to worry if there was something wrong with me.
until saturday, when i woke up bright and early, went to take a test for culinary school, cleaned then decorated my entire apartment for christmas, had coffee with a new friend and ashley, had dinner with ashley, watch johnny manziel win the heisman [whoop!!], and worked on a novel that i’ve been writing. didn’t go to sleep until 1 am, and even woke up on my own at 9 am the next day [thank goodness, i don’t have some kind of weird sleep sickness].
sunday i was equally as productive, hence the two blog posts. got my workout in, did my bible study, and made a healthy dinner [even if it was kind of a toddler dinner] that i ate with a not-so-toddler beverage, as i enjoyed my lit-up christmas tree.
and all was right in the world.
{carrot-and-squash farfalle with olive oil, parmesan, and seasonings; raw veggies; wine; and my little christmas tree}
as a final note, the cherry on top of my sweet, sweet weekend, it snowed on sunday night/monday morning [just a little bit…this is texas, after all], so when i woke up, the roofs and the cars were covered in thin white blankets. i live in a world where snow is a magical thing, a couple-times-a-year sort of treat, and never does it happen as early as december. especially when it’s almost 70 degrees the day before, and almost 80 earlier in the weekend.
so i was a happy little girl.