for a little [random] friday cheer, today i leave you with…
1. a few pictures that i had taken awhile back for photography project 1 (saturation shooting):
2. food science fact of the day:
did you know that honey doesn’t spoil? (given that it’s stored properly.)
edible honey was found in ancient egyptian pharaoh king tut’s tomb! the texture may change a bit, but as long as water isn’t added to the honey, the natural antibacterial qualities of honey will keep microorganisms from growing.
3. one of my favorite quotes which pertains quite well to my life right now, said once upon a time by none other than Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City:
“So just love, make mistakes, and have wonderful times, but never second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly, where it is you are going.”