well, it’s that time of the week again. the time when you’re wondering how the weekend flew by so fast and you’re wishing you had a little more time to get those few things done that you wanted to accomplish and if you just had one more day to catch up some sleep, too… that would be nice. but monday morning is approaching fast and furiously and so it’s time to have a quiet evening to relax and get ready for the week and maybe cook something yummy for dinner and watch a little football and then hit the sack a little bit early tonight.
you should be happy to hear that i completed last week’s challenge of cleaning the baseboards in my home, so even though i may have failed to get the rest of my house picked up, i’m feeling pretty proud of myself right now. :) i vacuumed them and then went back and touched up with a wet rag on those that needed it. if my place was any bigger, it might have sucked, but given the size of my condo, it only took about an hour. not baaaaaaad!
and sorry for the lack of diversity on selfie sunday challenge topics, but i’ve been really in the mood to clean out/deep clean, which, if you know me, pretty much NEVER happens, so i must take advantage. before these feelings of ambitious tidying and scouring go away. soooooo that being said, this week i will be cleaning out my closet, organizing it, and getting rid of anything that i no longer wear. i had cleaned up the floor of it a couple weeks ago, which was a good start, but now we’re getting down and dirty with all my clothes and shoes and jewelry and belts and purses and everything hanging up and on the shelves. because let’s be honest – the whole nothing-on-the-floor thing only lasts so long when everything is disorganized to begin with and there’s no place to put stuff. and after i finish my closet, i have bigger and better plans for organizing other areas of my place, so let’s do this.
{it’s always great when you realize, after you’ve been out and about all day, that one eye kind of has that “smoky look” going on and the other one… doesn’t. ha!}
hope you’re having a great sunday night!